Monday, March 3, 2008

October Road

I like October Road, it's not my favorite show, and I find from week to week, there's often little things about some characters that bother me. Like the lead character, Nick, I don't find him especially 'likeable'. I don't think if he were a real person, that I'd want to be friends with him. However, there's characters, like 'Pizza Girl' who I always seem to like, and Owen, with a few situational exceptions, I find rather endearing as a character. Tonight's episode I found very little to be bothered with.

Spoiler warning... If you haven't seen it, and don't want plot details, don't read on.

The central plot about this girl, Angela, whom the boys all knew and played with, and loved when they were 10 years old, dies. They read about it in the paper. A girl they hadn't seen or talked to since they were 10 and she moved away. But she was an important piece of their childhood, and they're all a little shocked to find she died, leaving behind a husband and daughter. The whole story around this, I found very sweet and touching. It's a strange thing, finding out that someone you knew years ago as a kid, who's the same age as you, died. It's a little weird. And for them, it wasn't just an acquaintance, it was a girl who really actually played an important role in their childhood, and as they wonder, perhaps even in shaping them now. That she's that girl that they loved as kids, and ever since have been looking for that girl that would make them feel that kind of sweet, pure love they had then.