Monday, September 15, 2008

The New Season... thus far (CW)

So I caught Privileged on it's reair tonight, and I thought it was pretty cute. I found myself giggling and enjoying it quite a bit. I'm a fan of Gossip Girl, and One Tree, and loved The OC, and grew up on the original 90210, so I've seen my share of teen shows with a focus on rich kids. Granted One Tree Hill wasn't all about that, but there were several kids who definitely had a semi-priviledged lifestyle like Brooke, Nate, and Rachel. I still enjoy One Tree, but it's never been my 'favorite'. I always prefered The OC to One Tree. Though I found some characters in One Tree who I really loved, and so far this season has started with some interesting stuff, but there's also some stuff I can already see getting old fast. I'm pretty well sick of Brooke's mom, she's not fun to hate the way Dan was. He was amusing in his evilness. And while I laughed through the first episode of him being tormented by crazy 'Nanny' Carrie, I'm over it already. Now I just want Dan to kill her, and take Brooke's mom out while his at it. And the ending of both the first two eps definitely left a sour taste. Brooke getting beat up, I don't know, it was just icky, and not in the way I think it was intended to be icky. Same thing with the, at least in my book, random ass killing of Q, who was becoming much more fun at the end of last season. Why do they take all my favorites off the show? I know there's mixed feelings over some of my favorites, but I loved Mouth, and was really enjoying Millie all last season, and I really hope this 'move' isn't permanent. Because for me, it loses a lot of fun of the show. Then there's Rachel, who was only in a couple episodes last season, and her story felt very 'untold' to me. I'd really like to see a lot more of her and what's happened to her, both in the four years lapsed, that lead to her becoming a drug addict, and in this time since she took off from Brooke's. Rachel was a better friend to Brooke than Peyton ever was, and Brooke seemed to have let her down in return. And speaking of the Peyton/Brooke friendship, I don't know, Peyton's reaction to Brooke being all bruised up and 'buying' the fell down the stairs story seems really :p. I mean, she just like accepted that and whatever. I think I'd freak out a lot more if my best friend looked like that for any reason.

Now, Gossip Girl, still enjoying it, not my favorite, never was. But it's always kind of additively entertaining. There is something about it that hooks you and keeps you coming back. Something that I think might be lacking with the new 90210. It does have a familiar vibe to the original, and it's cool seeing some old faces, which was my main reason for tuning in. I'm going to probably watch as long as it's relatively conveniently to do so, but right now, there may be a point where I just don't care enough anymore. Unlike Gossip Girl, which I seem to need to see.

Yeah, so that was pretty much all about the CW, but I watch a lot of CW. I like it. Though my favorite show, over all, and on CW isn't any of those I've mentioned. Nor does it share many qualities with those shows. My favorite I am still awaiting the premier of for the new season. It's coming this week, and I'm definitely excited for that one. It almost never disappoints me. :)

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